Query group traits


  • Author: nikomatsakis
  • Date: 2019-01-15
  • Introduced in: https://github.com/salsa-rs/salsa-rfcs/pull/1


  • Support dyn QueryGroup for each query group trait as well as impl QueryGroup
    • dyn QueryGroup will be much more convenient, at the cost of runtime efficiency
  • Don't require you to redeclare each query in the final database, just the query groups

User's guide

Declaring a query group

User's will declare query groups by decorating a trait with salsa::query_group:

trait MyGroup {
  // Inputs are annotated with `#[salsa::input]`. For inputs, the final trait will include
  // a `set_my_input(&mut self, key: K1, value: V1)` method automatically added,
  // as well as possibly other mutation methods.
  fn my_input(&self, key: K1) -> V1;
  // "Derived" queries are just a getter.
  fn my_query(&self, key: K2) -> V2;

The query_group attribute is a procedural macro. It takes as argument the name of the storage struct for the query group -- this is a struct, generated by the macro, which represents the query group as a whole. It is attached to a trait definition which defines the individual queries in the query group.

The macro generates three things that users interact with:

  • the trait, here named MyGroup. This will be used when writing the definitions for the queries and other code that invokes them.
  • the storage struct, here named MyGroupStorage. This will be used later when constructing the final database.
  • query structs, named after each query but converted to camel-case and with the word query (e.g., MyInputQuery for my_input). These types are rarely needed, but are presently useful for things like invoking the GC. These types violate our rule that "things the user needs to name should be given names by the user", but we choose not to fully resolve this question in this RFC.

In addition, the macro generates a number of structs that users should not have to be aware of. These are described in the "reference guide" section.

Controlling query modes

Input queries, as described in the trait, are specified via the #[salsa::input] attribute.

Derived queries can be customized by the following attributes, attached to the getter method (e.g., fn my_query(..)):

  • #[salsa::invoke(foo::bar)] specifies the path to the function to invoke when the query is called (default is my_query).
  • #[salsa::volatile] specifies a "volatile" query, which is assumed to read untracked input and hence must be re-executed on every revision.
  • #[salsa::dependencies] specifies a "dependencies-only" query, which is assumed to read untracked input and hence must be re-executed on every revision.

Creating the database

Creating a salsa database works by using a #[salsa::database(..)] attribute. The .. content should be a list of paths leading to the storage structs for each query group that the database will implement. It is no longer necessary to list the individual queries. In addition to the salsa::database query, the struct must have access to a salsa::Runtime and implement the salsa::Database trait. Hence the complete declaration looks roughly like so:

struct MyDatabase {
  runtime: salsa::Runtime<MyDatabase>,

impl salsa::Database for MyDatabase {
  fn salsa_runtime(&self) -> salsa::Runtime<MyDatabase> {

This (procedural) macro generates various impls and types that cause MyDatabase to implement all the traits for the query groups it supports, and which customize the storage in the runtime to have all the data needed. Users should not have to interact with these details, and they are written out in the reference guide section.

Reference guide

The goal here is not to give the full details of how to do the lowering, but to describe the key concepts. Throughout the text, we will refer to names (e.g., MyGroup or MyGroupStorage) that appear in the example from the User's Guide -- this indicates that we use whatever name the user provided.

The plumbing::QueryGroup trait

The QueryGroup trait is a new trait added to the plumbing module. It is implemented by the query group storage struct MyGroupStorage. Its role is to link from that struct to the various bits of data that the salsa runtime needs:

pub trait QueryGroup<DB: Database> {
    type GroupStorage;
    type GroupKey;

This trait is implemented by the storage struct (MyGroupStorage) in our example. You can see there is a bit of confusing nameing going on here -- what we call (for user's) the "storage struct" actually does not wind up containing the true storage (that is, the hasmaps and things salsa uses). Instead, it merely implements the QueryGroup trait, which has associated types that lead us to structs we need:

  • the group storage contains the hashmaps and things for all the queries in the group
  • the group key is an enum with variants for each of the queries. It basically stores all the data needed to identify some particular query value from within the group -- that is, the name of the query, plus the keys used to invoke it.

As described further on, the #[salsa::query_group] macro is responsible will generate an impl of this trait for the MyGroupStorage struct, along with the group storage and group key type definitions.

The plumbing::HasQueryGroup<G> trait

The HasQueryGroup<G> struct a new trait added to the plumbing module. It is implemented by the database struct MyDatabase for every query group that MyDatabase supports. Its role is to offer methods that move back and forth between the context of the full database to the context of an individual query group:

pub trait HasQueryGroup<G>: Database
    G: QueryGroup<Self>,
    /// Access the group storage struct from the database.
    fn group_storage(db: &Self) -> &G::GroupStorage;

    /// "Upcast" a group key into a database key.
    fn database_key(group_key: G::GroupKey) -> Self::DatabaseKey;

Here the "database key" is an enum that contains variants for each group. Its role is to take group key and puts it into the context of the entire database.

The Query trait

The query trait (pre-existing) is extended to include links to its group, and methods to convert from the group storage to the query storage, plus methods to convert from a query key up to the group key:

pub trait Query<DB: Database>: Debug + Default + Sized + 'static {
    /// Type that you you give as a parameter -- for queries with zero
    /// or more than one input, this will be a tuple.
    type Key: Clone + Debug + Hash + Eq;

    /// What value does the query return?
    type Value: Clone + Debug;

    /// Internal struct storing the values for the query.
    type Storage: plumbing::QueryStorageOps<DB, Self> + Send + Sync;

    /// Associate query group struct.
    type Group: plumbing::QueryGroup<
        GroupStorage = Self::GroupStorage,
        GroupKey = Self::GroupKey,

    /// Generated struct that contains storage for all queries in a group.
    type GroupStorage;

    /// Type that identifies a particular query within the group + its key.
    type GroupKey;

    /// Extact storage for this query from the storage for its group.
    fn query_storage(group_storage: &Self::GroupStorage) -> &Self::Storage;

    /// Create group key for this query.
    fn group_key(key: Self::Key) -> Self::GroupKey;

Converting to/from the context of the full database generically

Putting all the previous plumbing traits together, this means that given:

  • a database DB that implements HasGroupStorage<G>;
  • a group struct G that implements QueryGroup<DB>; and,
  • and a query struct Q that implements Query<DB, Group = G>

we can (generically) get the storage for the individual query Q out from the database db via a two-step process:

let group_storage = HasGroupStorage::group_storage(db);
let query_storage = Query::query_storage(group_storage);

Similarly, we can convert from the key to an individual query up to the "database key" in a two-step process:

let group_key = Query::group_key(key);
let db_key = HasGroupStorage::database_key(group_key);

Lowering query groups

The role of the #[salsa::query_group(MyGroupStorage)] trait MyGroup { .. } macro is primarily to generate the group storage struct and the impl of QueryGroup. That involves generating the following things:

  • the query trait MyGroup itself, but with:
    • salsa::foo attributes stripped
    • #[salsa::input] methods expanded to include setters:
      • fn set_my_input(&mut self, key: K1, value__: V1);
      • fn set_constant_my_input(&mut self, key: K1, value__: V1);
  • the query group storage struct MyGroupStorage
    • We also generate an impl of QueryGroup<DB> for MyGroupStorage, linking to the internal strorage struct and group key enum
  • the individual query types
    • Ideally, we would use Rust hygiene to hide these struct, but as that is not currently possible they are given names based on the queries, but converted to camel-case (e.g., MyInputQuery and MyQueryQuery).
    • They implement the salsa::Query trait.
  • the internal group storage struct
    • Ideally, we would use Rust hygiene to hide this struct, but as that is not currently possible it is entitled MyGroupGroupStorage<DB>. Note that it is generic with respect to the database DB. This is because the actual query storage requires sometimes storing database key's and hence we need to know the final database type.
    • It contains one field per query with a link to the storage information for that query:
      • my_query: <MyQueryQuery as salsa::plumbing::Query<DB>>::Storage
      • (the MyQueryQuery type is also generated, see the "individual query types" below)
    • The internal group storage struct offers a public, inherent method for_each_query:
      • fn for_each_query(db: &DB, op: &mut dyn FnMut(...)
      • this is invoked by the code geneated by #[salsa::database] when implementing the for_each_query method of the plumbing::DatabaseOps trait
  • the group key
    • Again, ideally we would use hygiene to hide the name of this struct, but since we cannot, it is entitled MyGroupGroupKey
    • It is an enum which contains one variant per query with the value being the key:
      • my_query(<MyQueryQuery as salsa::plumbing::Query<DB>>::Key)
    • The group key enum offers a public, inherent method maybe_changed_after:
      • fn maybe_changed_after<DB>(db: &DB, db_descriptor: &DB::DatabaseKey, revision: Revision)
      • it is invoked when implementing maybe_changed_after for the database key

Lowering database storage

The #[salsa::database(MyGroup)] attribute macro creates the links to the query groups. It generates the following things:

  • impl of HasQueryGroup<MyGroup> for MyDatabase
    • Naturally, there is one such impl for each query group.
  • the database key enum
    • Ideally, we would use Rust hygiene to hide this enum, but currently it is called __SalsaDatabaseKey.
    • The database key is an enum with one variant per query group:
      • MyGroupStorage(<MyGroupStorage as QueryGroup<MyDatabase>>::GroupKey)
  • the database storage struct
    • Ideally, we would use Rust hygiene to hide this enum, but currently it is called __SalsaDatabaseStorage.
    • The database storage struct contains one field per query group, storing its internal storage:
      • my_group_storage: <MyGroupStorage as QueryGroup<MyDatabase>>::GroupStorage
  • impl of plumbing::DatabaseStorageTypes for MyDatabase
    • This is a plumbing trait that links to the database storage / database key types.
    • The salsa::Runtime uses it to determine what data to include. The query types use it to determine a database-key.
  • impl of plumbing::DatabaseOps for MyDatabase
    • This contains a for_each_query method, which is implemented by invoking, in turn, the inherent methods defined on each query group storage struct.
  • impl of plumbing::DatabaseKey for the database key enum
    • This contains a method maybe_changed_after. We implement this by matching to get a particular group key, and then invoking the inherent method on the group key struct.


This proposal results from a fair amount of iteration. Compared to the status quo, there is one primary downside. We also explain a few things here that may not be obvious.

Why include a group storage struct?

You might wonder why we need the MyGroupStorage struct at all. It is a touch of boilerplate, but there are several advantages to it:

  • You can't attach associated types to the trait itself. This is because the "type version" of the trait (dyn MyGroup) may not be available, since not all traits are dyn-capable.
  • We try to keep to the principle that "any type that might be named externally from the macro is given its name by the user". In this case, the [salsa::database] attribute needed to name group storage structs.
    • In earlier versions, we tried to auto-generate these names, but this failed because sometimes users would want to pub use the query traits and hide their original paths.
    • (One exception to this principle today are the per-query structs.)
  • We expect that we can use the MyGroupStorage to achieve more encapsulation in the future. While the struct must be public and named from the database, the trait (and query key/value types) actually does not have to be.

Downside: Size of a database key

Database keys now wind up with two discriminants: one to identify the group, and one to identify the query. That's a bit sad. This could be overcome by using unsafe code: the idea would be that a group/database key would be stored as the pair of an integer and a union. Each group within a given database would be assigned a range of integer values, and the unions would store the actual key values. We leave such a change for future work.

Future possibilities

Here are some ideas we might want to do later.

No generics

We leave generic parameters on the query group trait etc for future work.

Public / private

We'd like the ability to make more details from the query groups private. This will require some tinkering.

Inline query definitions

Instead of defining queries in separate functions, it might be nice to have the option of defining query methods in the trait itself:

trait MyGroup {
  fn my_input(&self, key: K1) -> V1;
  fn my_query(&self, key: K2) -> V2 {
      // define my-query right here!

It's a bit tricky to figure out how to handle this, so that is left for future work. Also, it would mean that the method body itself is inside of a macro (the procedural macro) which can make IDE integration harder.

Non-query functions

It might be nice to be able to include functions in the trait that are not queries, but rather helpers that compose queries. This should be pretty easy, just need a suitable #[salsa] attribute.