
  • We introduce #[salsa::interned] queries which convert a Key type into a numeric index of type Value, where Value is either the type InternId (defined by a salsa) or some newtype thereof.
  • Each interned query foo also produces an inverse lookup_foo method that converts back from the Value to the Key that was interned.
  • The InternId type (defined by salsa) is basically a newtype'd integer, but it internally uses NonZeroU32 to enable space-saving optimizations in memory layout.
  • The Value types can be any type that implements the salsa::InternIndex trait, also introduced by this RFC. This trait has two methods, from_intern_id and as_intern_id.
  • The interning is integrated into the GC and tracked like any other query, which means that interned values can be garbage-collected, and any computation that was dependent on them will be collected.


The need for interning

Many salsa applications wind up needing the ability to construct "interned keys". Frequently this pattern emerges because we wish to construct identifiers for things in the input. These identifiers generally have a "tree-like shape". For example, in a compiler, there may be some set of input files -- these are enumerated in the inputs and serve as the "base" for a path that leads to items in the user's input. But within an input file, there are additional structures, such as struct or impl declarations, and these structures may contain further structures within them (such as fields or methods). This gives rise to a path like so that can be used to identify a given item:

PathData = <file-name>
         | PathData / <identifier>

These paths could be represented in the compiler with an Arc, but because they are omnipresent, it is convenient to intern them instead and use an integer. Integers are Copy types, which is convenient, and they are also small (32 bits typically suffices in practice).

Why interning is difficult today: garbage collection

Unfortunately, integrating interning into salsa at present presents some hard choices, particularly with a long-lived application. You can easily add an interning table into the database, but unless you do something clever, it will simply grow and grow forever. But as the user edits their programs, some paths that used to exist will no longer be relevant -- for example, a given file or impl may be removed, invalidating all those paths that were based on it.

Due to the nature of salsa's recomputation model, it is not easy to detect when paths that used to exist in a prior revision are no longer relevant in the next revision. This is because salsa never explicitly computes "diffs" of this kind between revisions -- it just finds subcomputations that might have gone differently and re-executes them. Therefore, if the code that created the paths (e.g., that processed the result of the parser) is part of a salsa query, it will simply not re-create the invalidated paths -- there is no explicit "deletion" point.

In fact, the same is true of all of salsa's memoized query values. We may find that in a new revision, some memoized query values are no longer relevant. For example, in revision R1, perhaps we computed foo(22) and foo(44), but in the new input, we now only need to compute foo(22). The foo(44) value is still memoized, we just never asked for its value. This is why salsa includes a garbage collector, which can be used to cleanup these memoized values that are no longer relevant.

But using a garbage collection strategy with a hand-rolled interning scheme is not easy. You could trace through all the values in salsa's memoization tables to implement a kind of mark-and-sweep scheme, but that would require for salsa to add such a mechanism. It might also be quite a lot of tracing! The current salsa GC mechanism has no need to walk through the values themselves in a memoization table, it only examines the keys and the metadata (unless we are freeing a value, of course).

How this RFC changes the situation

This RFC presents an alternative. The idea is to move the interning into salsa itself by creating special "interning queries". Dependencies on these queries are tracked like any other query and hence they integrate naturally with salsa's garbage collection mechanisms.

User's guide

This section covers how interned queries are expected to be used.

Declaring an interned query

You can declare an interned query like so:

trait Foo {
  fn intern_path_data(&self, data: PathData) -> salsa::InternId;

Query keys. Like any query, these queries can take any number of keys. If multiple keys are provided, then the interned key is a tuple of each key value. In order to be interned, the keys must implement Clone, Hash and Eq.

Return type. The return type of an interned key may be of any type that implements salsa::InternIndex: salsa provides an impl for the type salsa::InternId, but you can implement it for your own.

Inverse query. For each interning query, we automatically generate a reverse query that will invert the interning step. It is named lookup_XXX, where XXX is the name of the query. Hence here it would be fn lookup_intern_path(&self, key: salsa::InternId) -> Path.

The expected us

Using an interned query is quite straightforward. You simply invoke it with a key, and you will get back an integer, and you can use the generated lookup method to convert back to the original value:

let key = db.intern_path(path_data1);
let path_data2 = db.lookup_intern_path_data(key);

Note that the interned value will be cloned -- so, like all Salsa values, it is best if that is a cheap operation. Interestingly, interning can help to keep recursive, tree-shapes values cheap, because the "pointers" within can be replaced with interned keys.

Custom return types

The return type for an intern query does not have to be a InternId. It can be any type that implements the salsa::InternKey trait:

pub trait InternKey {
    /// Create an instance of the intern-key from a `InternId` value.
    fn from_intern_id(v: InternId) -> Self;

    /// Extract the `InternId` with which the intern-key was created.
    fn as_intern_id(&self) -> InternId;

This section shows the recommended practice for using interned keys, building on the Path and PathData example that we've been working with.

Naming Convention

First, note the recommended naming convention: the intern key is Foo and the key's associated data FooData (in our case, Path and PathData). The intern key is given the shorter name because it is used far more often. Moreover, other types should never store the full data, but rather should store the interned key.

Defining the intern key

The intern key should always be a newtype struct that implements the InternKey trait. So, something like this:

pub struct Path(InternId);

impl salsa::InternKey for Path {
    fn from_intern_id(v: InternId) -> Self {

    fn as_intern_id(&self) -> InternId {

Convenient lookup method

It is often convenient to add a lookup method to the newtype key:

impl Path {
    // Adding this method is often convenient, since you can then
    // write `path.lookup(db)` to access the data, which reads a bit better.
    pub fn lookup(&self, db: &impl MyDatabase) -> PathData {

Defining the data type

Recall that our paths were defined by a recursive grammar like so:

PathData = <file-name>
         | PathData / <identifier>

This recursion is quite typical of salsa applications. The recommended way to encode it in the PathData structure itself is to build on other intern keys, like so:

#[derive(Clone, Hash, Eq, ..)]
enum PathData {
  Child(Path, String),
  //    ^^^^ Note that the recursive reference here
  //         is encoded as a Path.

Note though that the PathData type will be cloned whenever the value for an interned key is looked up, and it may also be cloned to store dependency information between queries. So, as an optimization, you might prefer to avoid String in favor of Arc<String> -- or even intern the strings as well.

Interaction with the garbage collector

Interned keys can be garbage collected as normal, with one caveat. Even if requested, Salsa will never collect the results generated in the current revision. This is because it would permit the same key to be interned twice in the same revision, possibly mapping to distinct intern keys each time.

Note that if an interned key is collected, its index will be re-used. Salsa's dependency tracking system should ensure that anything incorporating the older value is considered dirty, but you may see the same index showing up more than once in the logs.

Reference guide

Interned keys are implemented using a hash-map that maps from the interned data to its index, as well as a vector containing (for each index) various bits of data. In addition to the interned data, we must track the revision in which the value was interned and the revision in which it was last accessed, to help manage the interaction with the GC. Finally, we have to track some sort of free list that tracks the keys that are being re-used. The current implementation never actually shrinks the vectors and maps from their maximum size, but this might be a useful thing to be able to do (this is effectively a memory allocator, so standard allocation strategies could be used here).


Presently the InternId type is implemented to wrap a NonZeroU32:

pub struct InternId {
    value: NonZeroU32,

This means that Option<InternId> (or Option<Path>, continuing our example from before) will only be a single word. To accommodate this, the InternId constructors require that the value is less than InternId::MAX; the value is deliberately set low (currently to 0xFFFF_FF00) to allow for more sentinel values in the future (Rust doesn't presently expose the capability of having sentinel values other than zero on stable, but it is possible on nightly).

Alternatives and future work

None at present.