Dynamic databases


  • Author: nikomatsakis
  • Date: 2020-06-29
  • Introduced in: salsa-rs/salsa#1 (please update once you open your PR)


  • Retool Salsa's setup so that the generated code for a query group is not dependent on the final database type, and interacts with the database only through dyn trait values.
  • This imposes a certain amount of indirecton but has the benefit that when a query group definition changes, less code must be recompiled as a result.
  • Key changes include:
    • Database keys are "interned" in the database to produce a DatabaseKeyIndex.
    • The values for cached query are stored directly in the hashtable instead of in an Arc. There is still an Arc per cached query, but it stores the dependency information.
    • The various traits are changed to make salsa::Database dyn-safe. Invoking methods on the runtime must now go through a salsa::Runtime trait.
    • The salsa::requires functionality is removed.
  • Upsides of the proposal:
    • Potentially improved recompilation time. Minimal code is regenerated.
    • Removing the DatabaseData unsafe code hack that was required by slots.
  • Downsides of the proposal:
    • The effect on runtime performance must be measured.
    • DatabaseKeyIndex values will leak, as we propose no means to reclaim them. However, the same is true of Slot values today.
    • Storing values for the tables directly in the hashtable makes it less obvious how we would return references to them in a safe fashion (before, I had planned to have a separate module that held onto the Arc for the slot, so we were sure the value would not be deallocated; one can still imagine supporting this feature, but it would require some fancier unsafe code reasoning, although it would be more efficient.)
    • The salsa::requires functionality is removed.


Under the current salsa setup, all of the "glue code" that manages cache invalidation and other logic is ultimately parameterized by a type DB that refers to the full database. The problem is that, if you consider a typical salsa crate graph, the actual value for that type is not available until the final database crate is compiled:

graph TD;
  Database["Crate that defines the database"];
  QueryGroupA["Crate with query group A"];
  QueryGroupB["Crate with query group B"];
  SalsaCrate["the `salsa` crate"];
  Database -- depends on --> QueryGroupA;
  Database -- depends on --> QueryGroupB;
  QueryGroupA -- depends on --> SalsaCrate;
  QueryGroupB -- depends on --> SalsaCrate;

The result is that we do not actually compile a good part of the code from QueryGroupA or QueryGroupB until we build the final database crate.

What you can do today: dyn traits

What you can do today is to use define a "dyn-compatible" query group trait and then write your derived functions using a dyn type as the argument:

trait QueryGroupA {
    fn derived(&self, key: usize) -> usize;

fn derived(db: &dyn QueryGroupA, key: usize) -> usize {
    key * 2

This has the benefit that the derived function is not generic. However, it's still true that the glue code salsa makes will be generic over a DB type -- this includes the impl of QueryGroupA but also the Slot and other machinery. This means that even if the only change is to query group B, in a different crate, the glue code for query group A ultimately has to be recompiled whenever the Database crate is rebuilt (though incremental compilation may help here). Moreover, as reported in salsa-rs/salsa#220, measurements of rust-analyzer suggest that this code may be duplicated and accounting for more of the binary than we would expect.

FIXME: I'd like to have better measurements on the above!

Our goal

The primary goal of this RFC is to make it so that the glue code we generate for query groups is not dependent on the database type, thus enabling better incremental rebuilds.

User's guide

Most of the changes in this RFC are "under the hood". But there are various user visibile changes proposed here.

All query groups must be dyn safe

The largest one is that all Salsa query groups must now be dyn-safe. The existing salsa query methods are all dyn-safe, so what this really implies is that one cannot have super-traits that use generic methods or other things that are not dyn safe. For example, this query group would be illegal:

trait QueryGroupA: Foo {

trait Foo {
    fn method<T>(t: T) { }

We could support query groups that are not dyn safe, but it would require us to have two "similar but different" ways of generating plumbing, and I'm not convinced that it's worth it. Moreover, it would require some form of opt-in so that would be a measure of user complexity as well.

All query functions must take a dyn database

You used to be able to implement queries by using impl MyDatabase, like so:

fn my_query(db: &impl MyDatabase, ...) { .. }

but you must now use dyn MyDatabase:

fn my_query(db: &dyn MyDatabase, ...) { .. }

Databases embed a Storage<DB> with a fixed field name

The "Hello World" database becomes the following:

#[salsa::database(QueryGroup1, ..., QueryGroupN)]
struct MyDatabase {
    storage: salsa::Storage<Self>

impl salsa::Database for MyDatabase {}

In particular:

  • You now embed a salsa::Storage<Self> instead of a salsa::Runtime<Self>
  • The field must be named storage by default; we can include a #[salsa::storge_field(xxx)] annotation to change that default if desired.
    • Or we could scrape the struct declaration and infer it, I suppose.
  • You no longer have to define the salsa_runtime and salsa_runtime_mut methods, they move to the DatabaseOps trait and are manually implemented by doing self.storage.runtime() and so forth.

Why these changes, and what is this Storage struct? This is because the actual storage for queries is moving outside of the runtime. The Storage struct just combines the Runtime (whose type no longer references DB directly) with an Arc<DB::Storage>. The full type of Storage, since it includes the database type, cannot appear in any public interface, it is just used by the various implementations that are created by salsa::database.

Instead of db.query(Q), you write Q.in_db(&db)

As a consequence of the previous point, the existing query and query_mut methods on the salsa::Database trait are changed to methods on the query types themselves. So instead of db.query(SomeQuery), one would write SomeQuery.in_db(&db) (or in_db_mut). This both helps by making the salsa::Database trait dyn-safe and also works better with the new use of dyn types, since it permits a coercion from &db to the appropriate dyn database type at the point of call.

The salsa-event mechanism will move to dynamic dispatch

A further consequence is that the existing salsa_event method will be simplified and made suitable for dynamic dispatch. It used to take a closure that would produce the event if necessary; it now simply takes the event itself. This is partly because events themselves no longer contain complex information: they used to have database-keys, which could require expensive cloning, but they now have simple indices.

fn salsa_event(&self, event: Event) {

This may imply some runtime cost, since various parts of the machinery invoke salsa_event, and those calls will now be virtual calls. They would previously have been static calls that would likely have been optimized away entirely.

It is however possible that ThinLTO or other such optimization could remove those calls, this has not been tested, and in any case the runtime effects are not expected to be high, since all the calls will always go to the same function.

The salsa::requires function is removed

We currently offer a feature for "private" dependencies between query groups called #[salsa::requires(ExtraDatabase)]. This then requires query functions to be written like:

fn query_fn(db: &impl Database + ExtraDatabase, ...) { }

This format is not compatible with dyn, so this feature is removed.

Reference guide


To explain the proposal, we'll use the Hello World example, lightly adapted:

trait HelloWorld: salsa::Database {
    fn input_string(&self, key: ()) -> Arc<String>;

    fn length(&self, key: ()) -> usize;

fn length(db: &dyn HelloWorld, (): ()) -> usize {
    // Read the input string:
    let input_string = db.input_string(());

    // Return its length:

struct DatabaseStruct {
    runtime: salsa::Runtime<DatabaseStruct>,

impl salsa::Database for DatabaseStruct {
    fn salsa_runtime(&self) -> &salsa::Runtime<Self> {

    fn salsa_runtime_mut(&mut self) -> &mut salsa::Runtime<Self> {
        &mut self.runtime

Identifying queries using the DatabaseKeyIndex

We introduce the following struct that represents a database key using a series of indices:

struct DatabaseKeyIndex {
    /// Identifies the query group.
    group_index: u16,

    /// Identifies the query within the group.
    query_index: u16,

    /// Identifies the key within the query.
    key_index: u32,

This struct allows the various query group structs to refer to database keys without having to use a type like DB::DatabaseKey that is dependent on the DB.

The group/query indices will be assigned by the salsa::database and salsa::query_group macros respectively. When query group storage is created, it will be passed in its group index by the database. Each query will be able to access its query-index through the Query trait, as they are statically known at the time that the query is compiled (the group index, in contrast, depends on the full set of groups for the database).

The key index can be assigned by the query as it executes without any central coordination. Each query will use a IndexMap (from the indexmap crate) mapping Q::Key -> QueryState. Inserting new keys into this map also creates new indices, and it is possible to index into the map in O(1) time later to obtain the state (or key) from a given query. This map replaces the existing Q::Key -> Arc<Slot<..>> map that is used today.

One notable implication: we cannot remove entries from the query index map (e.g., for GC) because that would invalidate the existing indices. We can however replace the query-state with a "not computed" value. This is not new: slots already take this approach today. In principle, we could extend the tracing GC to permit compressing and perhaps even rewriting indices, but it's not clear that this is a problem in practice.

The DatabaseKeyIndex also supports a debug method that returns a value with a human readable debug! output, so that you can do debug!("{:?}", index.debug(db)). This works by generating a fmt_debug method that is supported by the various query groups.

The various query traits are not generic over a database

Today, the Query, QueryFunction, and QueryGroup traits are generic over the database DB, which allows them to name the final database type and associated types derived from it. In the new scheme, we never want to do that, and so instead they will now have an associated type, DynDb, that maps to the dyn version of the query group trait that the query is associated with.

Therefore QueryFunction for example can become:

pub trait QueryFunction: Query {
    fn execute(db: &<Self as QueryDb<'_>>::DynDb, key: Self::Key) -> Self::Value;
    fn recover(db: &<Self as QueryDb<'_>>::DynDb, cycle: &[DB::DatabaseKey], key: &Self::Key) -> Option<Self::Value> {
        let _ = (db, cycle, key);

Storing query results and tracking dependencies

In today's setup, we have all the data for a particular query stored in a Slot<Q, DB, MP>, and these slots hold references to one another to track dependencies. Because the type of each slot is specific to the particular query Q, the references between slots are done using a Arc<dyn DatabaseSlot<DB>> handle. This requires some unsafe hacks, including the DatabaseData associated type.

This RFC proposes to alter this setup. Dependencies will store a DatabaseIndex instead. This means that validating dependencies is less efficient, as we no longer have a direct pointer to the dependency information but instead must execute three index lookups (one to find the query group, one to locate the query, and then one to locate the key). Similarly the LRU list can be reverted to a LinkedHashMap of indices.

We may tinker with other approaches too: the key change in the RFC is that we do not need to store a DB::DatabaseKey or Slot<..DB..>, but instead can use some type for dependencies that is independent of the dtabase type DB.

Dispatching methods from a DatabaseKeyIndex

There are a number of methods that can be dispatched through the database interface on a DatabaseKeyIndex. For example, we already mentioned fmt_debug, which emits a debug representation of the key, but there is also maybe_changed_after, which checks whether the value for a given key may have changed since the given revision. Each of these methods is a member of the DatabaseOps trait and they are dispatched as follows.

First, the #[salsa::database] procedural macro is the one which generates the DatabaseOps impl for the database. This base method simply matches on the group index to determine which query group contains the key, and then dispatches to an inherent method defined on the appropriate query group struct:

impl salsa::plumbing::DatabaseOps for DatabaseStruct {
    // We'll use the `fmt_debug` method as an example
    fn fmt_debug(&self, index: DatabaseKeyIndex, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match index.group_index() {
            0 => {
                let storage = <Self as HasQueryGroup<HelloWorld>>::group_storage(self);
                storage.fmt_debug(index, fmt)

            _ => panic!("Invalid index")

The query group struct has a very similar inherent method that dispatches based on the query index and invokes a method on the query storage:

impl HelloWorldGroupStorage__ {
    // We'll use the `fmt_debug` method as an example
    fn fmt_debug(&self, index: DatabaseKeyIndex, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match index.query_index() {
            0 => self.appropriate_query_field.fmt_debug(index, fmt),
            1 => ...
            _ => panic!("Invalid index")

Finally, the query storage can use the key index to lookup the appropriate data from the FxIndexSet.

Wrap runtime in a Storage<DB> type

The Salsa runtime is currently Runtime<DB> but it will change to just Runtime and thus not be generic over the database. This means it can be referenced directly by query storage implementations. This is very useful because it allows that type to have a number of pub(crate) details that query storage implementations make use of but which are not exposed as part of our public API.

However, the Runtime crate used to contain a DB::Storage, and without the DB in its type, it no longer can. Therefore, we will introduce a new type Storage<DB> type which is defined like so:

pub struct Storage<DB: DatabaseImpl> {
    query_store: Arc<DB::DatabaseStorage>,
    runtime: Runtime,

impl<DB> Storage<DB> {
    pub fn query_store(&self) -> &DB::DatabaseStorage {

    pub fn salsa_runtime(&self) -> &Runtime {

    pub fn salsa_runtime_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Runtime {

    /// Used for parallel queries
    pub fn snapshot(&self) -> Self {
        Storage {
            query_store: query_store.clone(),
            runtime: runtime.snapshot(),

The user is expected to include a field storage: Storage<DB> in their database definition. The salsa::database procedural macro, when it generates impls of traits like HasQueryGroup, will embed code like self.storage that looks for that field.

salsa_runtime methods move to DatabaseOps trait

The salsa_runtime methods used to be manually implemented by users to define the field that contains the salsa runtime. This was always boilerplate. The salsa::database macro now handles that job by defining them to invoke the corresponding methods on Storage.

Salsa database trait becomes dyn safe

Under this proposal, the Salsa database must be dyn safe. This implies that we have to make a few changes:

  • The query and query_mut methods move to an extension trait.
  • The DatabaseStorageTypes supertrait is removed (that trait is renamed and altered, see next section).
  • The salsa_event method changes, as described in the User's guide.

Salsa database trait requires 'static, at least for now

One downside of this proposal is that the salsa::Database trait now has a 'static bound. This is a result of the lack of GATs -- in particular, the queries expect a <Q as QueryDb<'_>>::DynDb as argument. In the query definition, we have something like type DynDb = dyn QueryGroupDatabase, which in turn defaults to dyn::QueryGroupDatabase + 'static.

At the moment, this limitation is harmless, since salsa databases don't support generic parameters. But it would be good to lift in the future, especially as we would like to support arena allocation and other such patterns. The limitation could be overcome in the future by:

  • converting to a GAT like DynDb<'a>, if those were available;
  • or by simulating GATs by introducing a trait to carry the DynDb definition, like QueryDb<'a>, where Query has the supertrait for<'a> Self: QueryDb<'a>. This would permit the DynDb type to be referenced by writing <Q as QueryDb<'a>>::DynDb.

Salsa query group traits are extended with Database and HasQueryGroup supertrait

When #[salsa::query_group] is applied to a trait, we currently generate a copy of the trait that is "more or less" unmodified (although we sometimes add additional synthesized methods, such as the set method for an input). Under this proposal, we will also introduce a HasQueryGroup<QueryGroupStorage> supertrait. Therefore the following input:

trait HelloWorld { .. }

will generate a trait like:

trait HelloWorld: 
    salsa::Database + 

The Database trait is the standard salsa::Database trait and contains various helper methods. The HasQueryGroup trait is implemented by the database and defines various plumbing methods that are used by the storage implementations.

One downside of this is that salsa::Database methods become available on the trait; we might want to give internal plumbing methods more obscure names.

Bounds were already present on the blanket impl of salsa query group trait

The new bounds that are appearing on the trait were always present on the blanket impl that the salsa::query_group procedural macro generated, which looks like so (and continues unchanged under this RFC):

impl<DB> HelloWorld for DB
    DB: salsa::Database +
    DB: salsa::plumbing::HasQueryGroup<HelloWorldStorage>

The reason we generate the impl is so that the salsa::database procedural macro can simply create the HasQueryGroup impl and never needs to know the name of the HelloWorld trait, only the HelloWorldStorage type.

Storage types no longer parameterized by the database

Today's storage types, such as Derived, are parameterized over both a query Q and a DB (along with the memoization policy MP):

// Before this RFC:
pub struct DerivedStorage<DB, Q, MP>
    Q: QueryFunction<DB>,
    DB: Database + HasQueryGroup<Q::Group>,
    MP: MemoizationPolicy<DB, Q>,

The DB parameter should no longer be needed after the previously described changes are made, so that the signature looks like:

// Before this RFC:
pub struct DerivedStorage<Q, MP>
    Q: QueryFunction,
    MP: MemoizationPolicy<DB, Q>,

Alternatives and future work

The 'linch-pin' of this design is the DatabaseKeyIndex type, which allows for signatures to refer to "any query in the system" without reference to the DB type. The biggest downside of the system is that this type is an integer which then requires a tracing GC to recover index values. The primary alternative would be to use an Arc-like scheme,but this has some severe downsides:

  • Requires reference counting, allocation
  • Hashing and equality comparisons have more data to process versus an integer
  • Equality comparisons must still be deep since you may have older and newer keys co-existing
  • Requires a Arc<dyn DatabaseKey>-like setup, which then encounters the problems that this type is not Send or Sync, leading to hacks like the DB::DatabaseData we use today.