Parallel friendly caching


  • Author: nikomatsakis
  • Date: 2021-05-29
  • Introduced in: (please update once you open your PR)


  • Rework query storage to be based on concurrent hashmaps instead of slots with read-write locked state.



  • Simpler, cleaner, and hopefully faster algorithm.
  • Enables some future developments that are not part of this RFC:
    • Derived queries whose keys are known to be integers.
    • Fixed point cycles so that salsa and chalk can be deeply integrated.
    • Non-synchronized queries that potentially execute on many threads in parallel (required for fixed point cycles, but potentially valuable in their own right).

User's guide

No user visible changes.

Reference guide

Background: Current structure

Before this RFC, the overall structure of derived queries is as follows:

  • Each derived query has a DerivedStorage<Q> (stored in the database) that contains:
    • the slot_map, a monotonically growing, indexable map from keys (Q::Key) to the Slot<Q> for the given key
    • lru list
  • Each Slot<Q> has
    • r-w locked query-state that can be:
      • not-computed
      • in-progress with synchronization storage:
        • id of the runtime computing the value
        • anyone_waiting: AtomicBool set to true if other threads are awaiting result
      • a Memo<Q>
  • A Memo<Q> has
    • an optional value Option<Q::Value>
    • dependency information:
      • verified-at
      • changed-at
      • durability
      • input set (typically a Arc<[DatabaseKeyIndex]>)

Fetching the value for a query currently works as follows:

  • Acquire the read lock on the (indexable) slot_map and hash key to find the slot.
    • If no slot exists, acquire write lock and insert.
  • Acquire the slot's internal lock to perform the fetch operation.

Verifying a dependency uses a scheme introduced in RFC #6. Each dependency is represented as a DatabaseKeyIndex which contains three indices (group, query, and key). The group and query indices are used to find the query storage via match statements and then the next operation depends on the query type:

  • Acquire the read lock on the (indexable) slot_map and use key index to load the slot. Read lock is released afterwards.
  • Acquire the slot's internal lock to perform the maybe changed after operation.

New structure (introduced by this RFC)

The overall structure of derived queries after this RFC is as follows:

  • Each derived query has a DerivedStorage<Q> (stored in the database) that contains:
    • a set of concurrent hashmaps:
      • key_map: maps from Q::Key to an internal key index K
      • memo_map: maps from K to cached memo ArcSwap<Memo<Q>>
      • sync_map: maps from K to a Sync<Q> synchronization value
    • lru set
  • A Memo<Q> has
    • an immutable optional value Option<Q::Value>
    • dependency information:
      • updatable verified-at (AtomicCell<Option<Revision>>)
      • immutable changed-at (Revision)
      • immutable durability (Durability)
      • immutable input set (typically a Arc<[DatabaseKeyIndex]>)
    • information for LRU:
      • DatabaseKeyIndex
      • lru_index, an AtomicUsize
  • A Sync<Q> has
    • id of the runtime computing the value
    • anyone_waiting: AtomicBool set to true if other threads are awaiting result

Fetching the value for a derived query will work as follows:

  1. Find internal index K by hashing key, as today.
    • Precise operation for this will depend on the concurrent hashmap implementation.
  2. Load memo M: Arc<Memo<Q>> from memo_map[K] (if present):
    • If verified is None, then another thread has found this memo to be invalid; ignore it.
    • Else, let Rv be the "last verified revision".
    • If Rv is the current revision, or last change to an input with durability M.durability was before Rv:
      • Update "last verified revision" and return memoized value.
  3. Atomically check sync_map for an existing Sync<Q>:
    • If one exists, block on the thread within and return to step 2 after it completes:
      • If this results in a cycle, unwind as today.
    • If none exists, insert a new entry with current runtime-id.
  4. Check dependencies deeply
    • Iterate over each dependency D and check db.maybe_changed_after(D, Rv).
      • If no dependency has changed, update verified_at to current revision and return memoized value.
    • Mark memo as invalid by storing None in the verified-at.
  5. Construct the new memo:
    • Push query onto the local stack and execute the query function:
      • If this query is found to be a cycle participant, execute recovery function.
    • Backdate result if it is equal to the old memo's value.
    • Allocate new memo.
  6. Store results:
    • Store new memo into memo_map[K].
    • Remove query from the sync_map.
  7. Return newly constructed value._

Verifying a dependency for a derived query will work as follows:

  1. Find internal index K by hashing key, as today.
    • Precise operation for this will depend on the concurrent hashmap implementation.
  2. Load memo M: Arc<Memo<Q>> from memo_map[K] (if present):
    • If verified is None, then another thread has found this memo to be invalid; ignore it.
    • Else, let Rv be the "last verified revision".
    • If Rv is the current revision, return true or false depending on whether changed-at from memo.
    • If last change to an input with durability M.durability was before Rv:
      • Update verified_at to current revision and return memoized value.
    • Iterate over each dependency D and check db.maybe_changed_after(D, Rv).
      • If no dependency has changed, update verified_at to current revision and return memoized value.
    • Mark memo as invalid by storing None in the verified-at.
  3. Atomically check sync_map for an existing Sync<Q>:
    • If one exists, block on the thread within and return to step 2 after it completes:
      • If this results in a cycle, unwind as today.
    • If none exists, insert a new entry with current runtime-id.
  4. Construct the new memo:
    • Push query onto the local stack and execute the query function:
      • If this query is found to be a cycle participant, execute recovery function.
    • Backdate result if it is equal to the old memo's value.
    • Allocate new memo.
  5. Store results:
    • Store new memo into memo_map[K].
    • Remove query from the sync_map.
  6. Return true or false depending on whether memo was backdated.

Frequently asked questions

Why use ArcSwap?

It's a relatively minor implementation detail, but the code in this PR uses ArcSwap to store the values in the memo-map. In the case of a cache hit or other transient operations, this allows us to read from the arc while avoiding a full increment of the ref count. It adds a small bit of complexity because we have to be careful to do a full load before any recursive operations, since arc-swap only gives a fixed number of "guards" per thread before falling back to more expensive loads.

Do we really need maybe_changed_after and fetch?

Yes, we do. "maybe changed after" is very similar to "fetch", but it doesn't require that we have a memoized value. This is important for LRU.

The LRU map in the code is just a big lock!

That's not a question. But it's true, I simplified the LRU code to just use a mutex. My assumption is that there are relatively few LRU-ified queries, and their values are relatively expensive to compute, so this is ok. If we find it's a bottleneck, though, I believe we could improve it by using a similar "zone scheme" to what we use now. We would add a lru_index to the Memo so that we can easily check if the memo is in the "green zone" when reading (if so, no updates are needed). The complexity there is that when we produce a replacement memo, we have to install it and swap the index. Thinking about that made my brain hurt a little so I decided to just take the simple option for now.

How do the synchronized / atomic operations compare after this RFC?

After this RFC, to perform a read, in the best case:

  • We do one "dashmap get" to map key to key index.
  • We do another "dashmap get" from key index to memo.
  • We do an "arcswap load" to get the memo.
  • We do an "atomiccell read" to load the current revision or durability information.

dashmap is implemented with a striped set of read-write locks, so this is roughly the same (two read locks) as before this RFC. However:

  • We no longer do any atomic ref count increments.
  • It is theoretically possible to replace dashmap with something that doesn't use locks.
  • The first dashmap get should be removable, if we know that the key is a 32 bit integer.
    • I plan to propose this in a future RFC.

Yeah yeah, show me some benchmarks!

I didn't run any. I'll get on that.